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PuaLrsHER's MessAGE『週刊トラベルジャーナル』臨時増刊号『渡航自由化“周年/観光立国への道』発刊に寄せて『週刊トラベルジャーナル』は、海外渡航が自由化された1964年の創刊以来、お蔭様で40周年を迎えました。海外旅行市場が右肩上がりの成長を続けるなかで、『週刊トラベルジャーナル』も海外旅行業界専門誌として旅行業界の発展とともに歩ませていただき、今日を迎えたことに感慨を禁じえません。臨時増刊号の発刊に際し、関係各方面の皆様から頂戴した長年にわたるご理解とご支援に、心から感謝申し上げます。渡航自由化40周年を機に発刊する臨時増刊号は、過去40年間にわたる海外旅行業界の歩みとマーケットの拡大を振り返ると同時に、その歴史的な意義を確認しながら、2010年の訪日外国人旅行者倍増を目指すビジット・ジャパン・キャンペーンなど、官民挙げた「観光立国」の動きに象徴されるツーリズム産業の新たな時代を展望するものでもあります。小泉首相自らによる「観光立国」宣言と前後して、旅行業界のみならず、政官界や経済界においても、ツーリズムの果たす経済的・社会的な役割の重さが大いに注目され、とりわけ、日本経済の長期的な停滞が続くなかで、地域経済活性化を通じた日本経済再生への道筋を開く鍵が、村おこしや町づくりという側面も併せ持つ観光事業の振興であり、その集積による「観光立国」と見られるまでになりました。海外旅行市場の発展に大きく貢献してきた旅行業界には、「観光立国」という新しい時代を迎え、これまでのアウトバウンドビジネスを通じて培ってきたノウハウやスキル、ネットワークを日本国内の観光振興に生かすことが期待されています。真の意味での「観光立国」を実現するためには、官民とも新しい状況に即した国際性を体現することが強く求められる時代でもあります。旅行業界が地域に根ざした着地型の発想に基づく新しいビジネスモデルの構築に成功するとき、ツーリズム産業は日本経済再生の担い手として、これまで以上に大きな役割を果たすことになるはずです。この渡航自由化40周年記念の臨時増刊号を、旅行業界の皆様はもちろん、広くツーリズム産業に携わる皆様に、文字通り「観光立国」への道筋をともに見極める機会としてご活用いただけるなら、これに勝る喜びはありません。トラベルジャーナルグループ代表『週刊トラベルジャーナル』発行人森谷哲也On the Occasion of Publishing a Commemorative Edition:The Road to a Tourism NationCelebrating the 4DthAnniversary ofLiberalization of Overseas Thavel'Weekly Travel Journal, thanks largely to its readers and subscribers,was able to celebrate its 40th anniversary this year since it beganpublishing in 1964 when the Japanese government permitted all citizensto travel overseas for pleasure.W'e are deeply grateful to know today that Weekly Tiavel Journal hasbeen able to develop side by side with the travel industry as a leadingtravel trade publication during rhose boom times when Japanese outboundtourism kept growing steadily.On the occasion o[publishing a special commemorative edition, weare grateful to everyone for their understanding and support extendedto us for years.The special edition to be published on the occasion of the 40thanniversary of liberalization of overseas travel by Japanese will not onlyhelp you think back on the progress of the travel industry and theexpanded outbound travel market for the past four decades but also,with recognition ofits historical significance, introduce you to look overa new age o[ the Japan's tourism industry being symbolized in thegovernment-private sector joint program "Tourism Nation," includingthe Visit ]apan Campaign aiming at doubling the number of foreignersvisiting Japan by 2010.Since Prime Minister Koizumi declared the "Tourism Nation' plan,parties concerned in Japan's political and official circles as well aseconomic and tourism communities began significantly riveting theireyes on tourism with its economic and social roles. While Japan'seconomy remains stagnated for years, communities throughout Japanbegan realizing the "Tourism Nation" program which also promotestourism business along with economic development projects in localcommunities is expected to clear the way for Japan's economicrecovery and revitalization oIregional communities.Being in a new age centering on "Tourism Nation," the Japanese travelindustry which has made a significant contribution to the growth of theoverseas travel market, is expected to take advantage ofmanagerial knowhow,ski[s and network accumulated in the outbound business in thepast and use them efficiently to promote Japant domestic tourism. It isnecessary for the government hand-in-hand with the private sector toembody internationalization locusing on and making it suitable for thenew environment in order to realize "Tourism Nation" in the truest sense.The tourism industry would be able to play an even more importanrrole in revitalizing Japan's economy once it could successfully build anew business model which, the travel industry believes, is heavily rootedin regional communities.It would be our genuine pleasure ifyou, professionals in the traveland tourism industries, could take advantage of this special editioncelebrating the 40th anniversary of liberalization of Japanese outboundtourism and find a clear picture ofand steps to achieving the goals setforth in "Tourism Nation."Tetsuya'Jimmy'' MoritaniPublisher, Weekly Travel JournalRepresentative, the Travel Journal Group観光立国への道5…¬‐ヽ